Being a Precept Leader During a Pandemic
By Cherylene Voth
In my short time of being a Precept Leader, I have learned so much about God’s Word, the Inductive method, and facilitating Bible studies during a pandemic.
I was drawn to the Inductive Bible study method after taking my first Precept Upon Precept class – Colossians – about seven years ago. I love how clearly the three steps of Observation, Interpretation, and Application are laid out. I believe that this method allows us to go so much deeper into the Scriptures’ original meaning. As we study God’s Word, the Holy Spirit guides us to His Truth, and God’s Word moves in our hearts and impacts our lives. I find it grounding to use the Bible as the primary source in understanding the Bible.
In Spring of 2019, our faithful Precept leader of many decades “retired” from her position. I felt called to take the Precept Upon Precept Leadership training in the Fall of 2019. I was thrilled that Mark and the teaching team from Precept Ministries Canada were able to provide this excellent three-day training right here in my hometown. It was challenging but wonderful to build relationships with other like-minded followers of Christ. The mentoring provided by the Precept training team gave me the tools and confidence to proceed with co-leading Galatians, Ephesians, Esther, and now the first part of the book of Acts.
We began studying the book of Esther in September of 2020 and were able to meet in person at our church with strong COVID protocols in place. Our journey in the Fall took us through navigating further restrictions and moving to online Zoom Bible studies. Esther spoke to us powerfully during these times of uncertainty and apprehension. This is one of the few books of the Bible where the name God is never mentioned. We learned to search for God’s ‘Hand of Providence’ hidden in the background of every scene. We were also called to consider how God will use us “for such a time as this.” In these lessons, we found application to our present-day experience of living daily life through the Covid-19 pandemic.
Esther spoke to us powerfully during these times of uncertainty and apprehension.
Although meeting online has been a bit of a learning curve (how to mute/unmute, how to facilitate discussion when everyone is on the screen, how to move into breakout rooms, etc.), it has also been God’s plan to increase the study of his Word. We began with nine participants. Due to the accessibility of meeting online, six new ladies were able to join us when we moved to Zoom! Mothers with young kids, older ladies from neighbouring towns, and university students completing Master’s degrees were all able to fit in our Acts Bible study now that it is online. May God be glorified.