Even if you have had no experience leading a class, or discipling one-on-one, or if you’re new to Precept’s Bible Study Method, this workshop is suitable for you to learn this proven method by using the 40-Minute Bible Studies. By the end of this workshop, you will feel renewed, trained, and ready to join a group or begin making disciples using an Inductive Bible Study with confidence!
Jesus commanded His disciples to go and make more disciples, but this command to evangelize extends well beyond the conversion of an unbeliever.
In this 3-hour workshop, we will use the Precept Inductive Bible Study Method to study Jesus’ prayer in John 17, as well as learning how to use a simple discipleship tool called How Do You Know God’s Your Father.
You will need to purchase the 40-Minute Bible Study “How Do You Know God’s Your Father” in order to fully participate in this training workshop.