Dear friend of the ministry,

When I turn on the news, I have questions; maybe you have the same.  When we look around the world, there are so many events catching our eye.

     Are we on the brink of World War 3?

     Why are capital cities filled with people crying out against their government?

     Will this global pandemic end?

     Why is the criminal justice system allowing criminals to go out and be repeat offenders multiple times?

     How did truth based on feelings become more important than biblical truth?

     Why are some in the Church being so easily deceived by false teachers?

That’s the shortlist of some of the biggest questions I have been thinking about the last few weeks.  The biggest question is one we probably share, at least I hope we do, and that is “God, what are you doing in the world?”

The prophet Habakkuk had some of the same questions.  In Habakkuk 1, he asked three questions of God.

The first question is, “How long will I call for help with no answer?”  Habakkuk 1:1 says, “I cry out violence, yet you do not save.”  The world drastically changed around Habakkuk when Jehoiakim became king of Judah.  He ushered in idol worship, killed a prophet of God, and quickly drew Judah back to the days when Amon was king.  2 Kings 23 tells us that he did evil in the sight of the Lord.  Habakkuk had witnessed one of the greatest revivals in Judah’s history, but now all he saw was violence in the land.  It sounds a lot like what we are seeing in our world today with the events in Ukraine.  My heart breaks to see the devastation in Ukraine, and I pray that this does not escalate into a world war.

The second question he asks is, “Why do you make me see iniquity and cause me to look on wickedness?”  Habakkuk lists out the wickedness he sees in the land in verses 3-4 — strife, contention, and the law is ignored, justice is never upheld, the wicked surround the righteous and justice comes out perverted.  Sound like today?  We live in one of the most polarizing times the world has ever seen.  

God responds to Habakkuk in verse 5: “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder!  Because I am doing something in your days—you would not believe if you were told.”  God was at work in the days of Habakkuk; He was raising the Babylonians who would come to Judah and siege the land and take Judah captive for seventy years.  God is at work today!  We may not see it or understand how He is working, but we can learn from Habakkuk how we should respond to the world around us.

In verses 12-13, Habakkuk begins his third question with what he knows about God.  He reminds us God is:  Everlasting;  Holy;  A promise-keeper;  Sovereign;  Immovable and unshakeable;  Just;  His eyes are too pure for evil.  

Habakkuk knows His God, and he asks his third question, “God, how can you use a sinful nation for such a holy cause?”  In chapter two, God again responds to Habakkuk by telling him to record what God has told him about the Babylonians, that this vision will come true and wait for it to happen.

Habakkuk wanted a response to why God wasn’t answering his prayer of dealing with the violence and wickedness in the world.  The answer came, and it wasn’t exactly what Habakkuk expected.  He wanted violence and sin to be dealt with but had no idea God was raising up the Babylonians to carry out God’s plans for Judah.

There is much to learn from Habakkuk as we witness what is happening in the world today.  In chapter two, God gives three assurances to Habakkuk.  These assurances are our hope as well, but you must study them for yourself.

We are a few days away from celebrating Easter, and there is no greater joy than celebrating the hope we have in Jesus Christ because of His sacrifice on the cross.  Jesus is the answer to all the questions we have about the events of the world.

Do you need to be encouraged?  Do you know someone who needs to be encouraged today?  This month you can receive the message of hope through Habakkuk with a gift to Precept Ministries Canada.  We want you to dive into God’s Word and see the promises that God gave to Habakkuk through this study book, LORD, Where Are You When Bad Things Happen?  This gift can be yours with a donation of $50 or more to Precept.  Your gifts will be used to engage people in God’s Word across Canada.  I encourage you to partner with us in this vital ministry.  If you know someone who needs this message, perhaps you might consider purchasing a second book and sending it to them as a gift in this season of life.

Thank you for partnering with us.

Serving Him and you,

Mark Sheldrake, National Director

P.S.  In March, I recorded a sermon on Habakkuk 1-2 called “Finding Hope When Life Seems Dark.”  We are making that sermon available to you for free in audio and video formats.  You can access this message here through our Unlocking the Truth Podcast.  Share the link with whoever you want;  we need to get the news out that God is at Work!   

Listen now here on our website (audio & video), Apple Podcasts or SoundCloud!


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