From Knowledge to a Passion for Teaching

I began with Precept Ministries in April 2020 as soon as the pandemic hit. I recall praying and asking God to teach me how to study His word and learn how to dig for Truth. One day as I was scrolling through Google, Precept Ministries’ 3-hour workshop on How to Study the Bible popped up. I am so grateful to God for leading me to this ministry, as it has given me the practical tools to study His Word. It is quite an incredible thing once a believer learns how to dig for themselves because it unlocks the treasure of God’s Word. I have fallen more in love with God and learned so much about who He is and His expectations of me as a believer.


My eyes have been opened, and the Lord has used this knowledge to increase my passion for teaching others.

My eyes have been opened, and the Lord has used this knowledge to increase my passion for teaching others. After the How to Study the Bible workshop, I then went onto study the book of Judges, complete the Precept Upon Precept Leader Training, and lead Breaking Free from Fear three times! I have also taught the Gospel of Mark Precept Upon Precept study, and I’m now teaching the Galatians PUP study. I am amazed at what God is doing in me, let alone through me! The teachings and mentorship that Precept has given me are invaluable. I am appreciative of all that I am learning, including how to facilitate engaging conversations. With these tools, God has blessed me to now teach my own congregation at my church.

I would encourage everyone to sign up for a class and move at their own pace because God is doing a work in you!

Check out all of the upcoming online Workshops for you to establish yourself in His Word and make disciples. 


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