Impacted by the Book of Romans

By Audra Donison

When our Precept Bible study group finished the book of Acts in June, we discussed what we would study in the fall. After learning about Paul’s exciting missionary journeys and what happened in each area he visited, we knew we wanted to study one of his letters. Among  others, Romans was mentioned.

To be honest, this suggestion gave us pause for thought. While we are a seasoned women’s group who have done PUP studies together since 2014 and have studied everything from Old Testament prophets like Daniel to the Gospel of John and other epistles, Romans seemed daunting to us. Fourteen weeks to study 5 chapters? Two years and four studies to complete one book of the Bible? Yes, we were certainly intimidated. However, after reassuring ourselves that we were only committing to Part 1 for now, we decided to take the plunge. And oh, how glad we were that we did!

I don’t think it is a stretch to say that this may have been the best study we have ever done.

I don’t think it is a stretch to say that this may have been the best study we have ever done. It reminded me of my first PUP study ever, here in Yellowknife in 2013, on 1 John where I fell in love with inductive Bible study, mainly because I literally felt myself growing spiritually in the Lord. That experience was part of what led me to train to become a Precept Bible leader and to continue providing this type of study, when other trained leaders moved out of town.  

Initially, we thought Romans would be intense with a heavy workload, but as time went on, we appreciated that the fourteen weeks to study Romans 1-5 allowed us to meditate and absorb the doctrinal truths of God. In fact, as we finished each chapter, one person or another would comment on how she would have liked even more time in that chapter before moving on. 

At the final lesson, which was followed by a socially distanced Christmas party (hence the reindeer antlers), we went around the room and shared how Romans had impacted us. Here are some of the comments below.


“This study has been encouraging to me as it reinforces the fundamentals I already know, but often need reminding of. It has also made me grateful for the strong Biblical grounding I was given as a child and increases my desire to do the same for my children.”

God’s wrath is real.  He doesn’t cause suffering, but He also doesn’t shield us from the consequences of our sin and disobedience.  God allows us to choose and there are only two roads in life. No grey areas.  Only black and white.  There can be no partial faith or meeting half-way.  No compromise in our beliefs.” 

 I was struck by the weightiness, realization and deep conviction that I am a sinner and no better than anyone else.” 

From a new member: “The fellowship of studying the bible with other women who want to know what the Bible says and be changed by it, was huge for me. I found it very affirming that my views of the human need for mercy, though different from many of my friends, is that of Paul.” 

Recently I had an opportunity to share the Gospel with a friend, and there was power and conviction in my words that would not have been there if we hadn’t done this study.  As John MacArthur has said, you cannot live what you don’t understand.” 

By the time we finished going around the room, my tears were flowing. It’s hard to find words to express how wonderful it was to hear how God was working in His people through His Word. Being part of this group is one of the greatest encouragements in my life. More and more, as the world gets darker, I realize how important it is  to be in the Word in order to stand firm in the future.

And speaking of the future: What’s next, you ask? Romans Part 2, of course!