The Journey of Finishing Well

I first heard of the Precept Inductive Study Method in the late ’70s when Kay Arthur was the keynote speaker at a women’s conference in Kitchener, Ontario.  2 Timothy 2:15 was the cry of my heart, and so I had a method. My journey to know truth for myself began. I eagerly ordered materials and audio tapes from Chattanooga and started taking my vacations at Precept USA to study God’s Word book by book and take training to hone my skills in the Precept Method.

To further study the Scriptures, I went to Briercrest Bible College from 1983 to 1986 and completed a Bachelor of Religious Education. It was there that I represented Precept at the college mission conferences. I also did a teaching internship in Hermeneutics — the principles of interpreting Scripture.

After my time at Briercrest Bible College, I moved to Toronto to work in the Home Care Program as a case manager. Again, I began to lead Precept Upon Precept (PUP) classes and took training to be a Level 1 Trainer for Precept Canada.

In 1995, I joined a team of Precept Leaders to teach 2 Peter at a Bible college in Kyiv, Ukraine. It was a challenge, but what a privilege! In 2001 my husband’s job took us to Longview, Texas, where I again initiated a Bible study using Precept Study materials. In 2004 God brought us back to Canada. Once we were back and settled into our home in Kitchener, Ontario, I started a Precept Upon Precept Bible study in my home and at church.

In 2015, we made First Baptist Church (FBC) in Waterloo our home church. I introduced the associate — Pastor Andy Carducci, to the Precept Method and invited him to a Precept dinner with David Arthur. Pastor Andy has since become a Precept Leader and has started a men’s group at the church. He is hooked on the Inductive Study Method and wants it as part of the discipleship program at FBC. Initially, I had a ladies’ group meeting in my home, but Pastor Andy arranged for it to be part of the church’s women’s ministry.

When COVID-19 hit and in-person classes were cancelled, Pastor Andy taught me to use Zoom. The church secretary sets up the Zoom link, and I take it from there! During COVID-19, we have studied Precept Upon Precept Jude, Colossians, James, 1 & 2 Corinthians and will start Daniel Part 1 next. Students have joined from outside the region, as well as a snowbird from Florida. Another ladies’ study group at FBC has used The New Inductive Study Series and has recently completed both Philippians and Colossians.

Knowing truth for myself has held me through difficult times and enabled me to recognize and expose false teachings so prevalent today. Kay once said, “There is no retirement in a time of war.” At age seventy-eight, I continue to study and lead PUP studies with the goal “to finish well.”


Check out all of the upcoming online Workshops for you to establish yourself in His Word and make disciples. 


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