Driven to Study & Apply God’s Word

It was Christmas time in 2019. Our Bible study group was volunteering at the Samaritan’s Purse facility. At the entrance was a table featuring books endorsed by Billy Graham. One title, LORD, Teach Me To Pray in 28 Days, grabbed my attention. I knew this was a study I needed, and if Billy Graham recommended it, the content was sure to be biblically sound.

The impact of that study proved pivotal in my life. Why? The author encouraged me to study the Scriptures themselves. I became aware that God was slowly teaching me about Himself: His majesty, His holiness, His character, His authority, and His forgiveness. The study of this book was the beginning of my deeper relationship with God and Precept Ministries.

Fast forward to May 2022. The women’s Bible study was wrapping up. One of the gals (Judy) stated, ”I can’t go for months without a Bible study! Can’t we do something on our own over the summer?” We decided that, yes, we could. Knowing we could trust any study Kay Arthur wrote, we agreed on LORD, Is It Warfare? Teach Me To Stand. Some of the ladies were quite fearful of what they might experience. They wanted to learn to stand; however, we would be learning about Satan, and he can do bad things to people. So, what, exactly, could we expect?

Over the next sixteen weeks, we brought our insights and our confusion. God met us time and time again. His presence was tangible. He was teaching us. “You are seated with Me in heaven; I have given you the Holy Spirit; I am your Kinsman-Redeemer; I have equipped you with My spiritual armour and the living, active sword of My Word. Stand firm against Satan and all his deceitful ways. I have defeated him.” The fear was gone.

The Precept September newsletter, In Context, arrived as we were completing the warfare study. They were offering in-person workshops close to Calgary! I asked Judy, my neighbour and Bible study companion, “Do you want to attend these workshops? Being Precept, they should be worthwhile.” She agreed, and we registered.

We drove out to the country and arrived at Millarville Community Church. We honestly did not know what to expect. That day we learned more about how to study the Bible than we had in all our previous years. We learned how to identify keywords. Making lists is not busy work; they help clarify the text. The leader reinforced the importance of reading each verse for comprehension, not making assumptions, and much more.

The facilitator’s knowledge of the Old Testament history and prophets was extensive. Her questions required thought. She consistently brought our conversations back to the over-arching truth that God’s Word is meant to change us. What applications do you see for your life? As the workshops ended, she mentioned leading an in-person Precept study on Wednesday mornings. Judy and I determined that we had learned so much in two days that we would come.

We found ourselves jumping right into the prophets Micah, Nahum and Habakkuk. Precept Upon Precept has proven to be a whole new, hurt-the-brain level of study. Along with what we are learning on our own, we both deeply value the Wednesday morning group. The insights and observations shared by the others, Beth’s deep knowledge of the text and her questions all help to bring understanding to difficult passages. We find ourselves experiencing what Paul prayed for. ”I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better” (Eph. 1:17). Amen and Amen!

Linda Grady
Calgary, Alberta

Linda Grady (left), with Precept Leader and Trainer, Beth Schmidt (centre), and Judy Bissonette (right).

Check out all of the upcoming online and in-person Workshops for you to establish yourself in His Word and make disciples.