Genesis Part 1 Precept Workbook (Chinese-t)

Genesis Part 1 Precept Workbook (Chinese-t)


Workbook. Chinese language – Traditional.

Note the difference between Simplified and Traditional:  While The People’s Republic of China and Singapore use the simplified system of writing Chinese characters, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao still use the traditional system.  It is wise to check user’s personal preference.

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Genesis Part 1: The Creation (6 lessons) – This course explores creation from Genesis 1-2.  You will learn how the world was created and how man came into being as you study both biblical and scientific accounts.  Workbook. Chinese language – Traditional.

Note the difference between Simplified and Traditional:  While The People’s Republic of China and Singapore use the simplified system of writing Chinese characters, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao still use the traditional system.  It is wise to check user’s personal preference.