Genesis Part 1 — Friday Mornings

Summit Drive Church 1975 Summit Dr, Kamloops, BC

GENESIS PART 1: THE CREATION (Genesis 1& 2) //
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Do I believe this statement that God has revealed in His Book? What does this really mean, and how does it affect my daily life?
When you immerse yourself in the Biblical account of Creation, you will be led to know your Creator in deeper ways, increasing your awe of Him. You will also gain insight into who you are in relationship to your Maker and will gain a more complete understanding of your own purpose and how to live. Explore the Biblical account of Creation found in chapters one and two, how the world was created, and how man came into being.

Jesus: Experiencing His Touch — Thursday Mornings

Summit Drive Church 1975 Summit Dr, Kamloops, BC

Jesus: Experiencing His Touch (Mark 1-6) // A touch from Jesus can change everything. The first six chapters of Mark’s Gospel overflow with stories of people drawing near to Jesus, longing to experience firsthand the touch of the Saviour. Over and over, Jesus responded with compassion, interacting on a personal level with individuals who had been cast aside by society, their circumstances deemed beyond hope.
As you delve into their stories in this powerful study–the first in a three-part study of the Gospel of Mark, you’ll discover for yourself the difference it makes when you engage with Jesus personally and experience His touch in your life.