Advance God's Kingdom Anywhere

Evangelism is a lifestyle — even when queuing at your local Walmart checkout


I don’t know about you, but I love when I go shopping for groceries! As a matter of fact, I love going anywhere the public is. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Matthew 28:19-20). Our LORD and Saviour spoke this, and He wants us to walk in obedience to His great commission.

On November 1, 2023, I went to Walmart to pick up a few groceries. Before leaving home, I prayed and asked God to set up a divine opportunity for me to share Christ with just one person. It was routine at the store when suddenly all the power went off. So, the employees of Walmart were encouraging everyone to head to the cash registers to pay for what was in our carts. I noticed all the people lined up at the cash registers and was absolutely delighted. Here we are, all captive and waiting for our turn; all I could think about was, Lord, look at all these precious souls. Help me, Lord, to speak to just even one.

The lady behind me in line commented on the inconvenience, and my reply was we could be in much more difficult circumstances; we could be in Gaza being bombed! She said we would really have to trust God then. I said yes indeed, I trust God for EVERYTHING! Then, I boldly asked her if she had ever trusted Jesus for her life. She replied that she was a Catholic who always wanted to know God.

She then told me that the day before, she had prayed and asked God if He could find someone to teach her the Bible. Don’t you love that? Is it not amazing how God is always working behind the scenes and sovereignly working out His plans to bring a lost and dying world to Himself? What were the chances that a lady who was praying and asking for God to give her someone who would teach her the Bible and a Precept leader collided in the middle of Walmart? That dear soul and I were smack in the middle of God’s perfect will!

Long story short — we exchanged information, and friends, that dear lady was sitting in my Precept Upon Precept Study on the book of Acts on November 3rd. She has not missed a Bible study class since! She has been attending church with me. She is hungry for the things of God! God is opening the eyes of her understanding. She has signed up for the How to Study the Bible class and the Romans Precept Upon Precept class which both started in January.

Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t just have to read about exciting things done in Jesus’ name in the book of Acts? Isn’t it wonderful that we have the same Holy Spirit leading us and guiding us in all that we do? You, too, can have divine encounters with people who need to hear the Gospel and need to hear the truth of God’s Word. Here are a few pointers on how to live a lifestyle of evangelism in your everyday life.

1. Be prayed up! Ask God to give you divine opportunities, and trust me, He will.

2. Know the Word of God! Fill your heart and mind with the Good News of the Gospel so you will be ready, able, and willing to share it with whomever you meet. Become a doer of the Word (James 1:22-25).

3. Trust in the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you to the right people at the right time and for the right purposes.

4. Ask God to deliver you from all fear. Remember that He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound, disciplined mind (2 Timothy 1:7). May the love of God in us overcome all our fears.

5. See every person, no matter what state they are in, as a lost soul! Allow the compassion of Christ to dwell in you and pour out His love upon them.

What would happen in Canada if every Christian won just one soul to Christ and mentored them in the Word? What if we all realized that we are to be busy doing the work of the ministry? What would happen if we treated every person like we would treat Jesus? When we have done it to the least of them, we have done it to Him (Matthew 25:40).

What are we waiting for? We have our marching orders! Let us go forth and win souls to Christ and make disciples! I know we will surely have an unspeakable joy and be full of glory!


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