Dear friend of the ministry,

Jessica and I went to New York City for a mini vacation several years ago. One of our bus tour guides pointed out the different locations decorated for Christmas and shared travel tips and warnings for tourists. She warned us about street vendors and their products. “Be careful when buying anything that may look genuine, like a Rolex or a designer handbag. These products are cheaply made and not the real deal.” Just as she shared this, a man on the bus spoke up, “Thanks for the heads up; I just bought this Rolex for a great price in Chinatown!” Seconds later, the man was adjusting the time, and the watch fell apart in his hands. I’ll never forget what the tour guide said next, “That’s what I’m talking about. Welcome to New York City, sir!” The man was devastated that he paid cash for a fake Rolex.
Jude warned the Church to contend for the faith because there were ungodly people in their midst. He says, “Certain persons crept in unnoticed.” How does an ungodly person creep in unnoticed? An even better question is, “How do these ungodly people find prominence within the body of Christ?” They may look like a Rolex, have the Rolex logo, and are in a Rolex box, but all the parts we cannot see are not really a Rolex.

 Learn about some of the characteristics Jude lists in the rest of Mark Sheldrake’s April letter by clicking the button below.


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