Choose Your Rut Carefully

While most of us would never willingly admit it, we can sometimes get stuck in a rut when it comes to Bible study. We can focus exclusively on the New Testament, or Old Testament, or historical books, or prophetic books. We can be exclusive leaders of Precept Upon Precept studies, of LORD Series studies, or of 40-Minute studies. We can fall into the trap of saying, “I’ve always done it this way,” and close ourselves off to new (and perhaps better) techniques and methods.

Why do we get stuck in these ruts? Sometimes it’s because it’s all we’ve ever known! We started out studying Old Testament, so we’ve continued. Maybe we’ve also felt intimidated by certain books of the Bible or certain types of studies, so we don’t venture out. Let’s face it – it’s easier to stick with what we know than to try something new.

Imagine how different our lives would be if:

  • Noah told God he wasn’t going to build an ark because there was no water anywhere near him, and it never rained anyways; or
  • Abram told God that he was quite happy in Ur of the Chaldees, and he didn’t want to leave home for some unknown destination; or
  • The early apostles and believers went into hiding in Jerusalem when persecution arose instead of taking the Gospel to the world.

True confession: I used to be stuck in the Precept Upon Precept rut – believing it was “the best” and looking down my nose at the other types of studies. But you know what?? My eyes have been opened, and I have so much appreciation for the other series!

One of my favourite Precept studies is the 40-Minute study “Being a Disciple: Counting the Real Cost.”  Be warned, though; you’ll be squarely confronted in the first five lessons with Jesus’ teachings about what it means to be His follower. But who better to get instruction from than the Leader himself?!

The LORD Series study “Lord, I Want to Know You” does a fantastic job of helping you understand and appreciate God’s character through His names in Scripture.

If you don’t have forty-seven weeks to study the book of the Revelation using the Precept Upon Precept or the In and Out series, the New Inductive Study Series (NISS) does a great job of taking you through the entire book in just thirteen weeks.

We have a literal wealth of information and experience available to us as Bible study leaders in the form of training workshops, our Bible Study Leaders’ Facebook group and our Precept Canada staff. If you don’t know much about 40-Minute studies, sign up for the free workshop on How to Lead 40-Minute Studies. If you are hesitant to lead a study on an Old Testament prophetic book, post a question in the Facebook group. If you don’t really know much about the NISS studies, call the Precept office, and ask some questions. If you haven’t done any training in a while, there’s no time like the present! We are constantly updating and improving our training so that you can be better equipped to lead your students.

Everyone thought buttons were great until zippers and Velcro came along. And what would we ever do without microwave ovens?!

So, what will it be? Will you be stuck in a rut for the next 60 miles (as the sign says), or will you register for a workshop, post a question, or call the office? You just never know what new favourites YOU might discover when you venture out.



Check out upcoming online Training Workshops for you to establish yourself in His Word and make disciples. 


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