Cultivating a Love for God’s Word

Even as a child, I loved to study the Bible. When my parents had company over on Sunday evening, I would crawl out of bed and sit at the top of the stairs, listening to my dad share his Biblical insights — so I can thank him for cultivating a love of God’s Word in my heart.

I was first introduced to Precept Ministries through my sister-in-law, who was leading a group through the LORD, I Want to Know You study. The weekly, thirty-minute drive my friend and I made seemed more like five minutes. Our hearts were so full as we drove home and shared all we had been learning about the names of God. It remains to this day the study that has most impacted me.

There were a number of years when I didn’t do Precept studies. After moving west, I got involved with various ministries but never found another Bible study that helped me retain all I had learned, like the inductive studies through Precept. When I took my first Precept online study with Barb, I realized how much I had missed this time in the Word with other believers. Especially with the recent disconnect and isolation we’ve all felt because of COVID-19, doing online studies has been so very encouraging.

So how did I become a leader? Well, I was part of a Precept online study group with Nathan when he called to ask me to lead the class for two weeks while he was away. With some trepidation, I agreed and discovered I loved it. One of my heart’s desires has been to encourage others to know and love God through the study of His Word — Precept checks all those boxes! Then later, when Nathan moved on, he asked me to consider leading our group. If you met our group, you would understand why that wasn’t a hard decision!

I’m not the most technically inclined, so the idea of using technology was a bit daunting. Rebecca at the Precept Canada office was so helpful and encouraging in walking me through it. Sharon, who trains leaders, wonderfully and patiently mentored me through the leadership training, and now I lead our little group on Tuesday mornings. 

We run a quaint little Air B’n’B in our log home, and we also serve breakfast, so when I have to attend to a guest, my co-host Janet can take over leading our group. It has been such a privilege to be a part of this ministry, and I would encourage anyone who has considered leading to give it a try! 


Check out all of the upcoming online Workshops for you to establish yourself in His Word and make disciples.