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Event Series Genesis Pt 2

Genesis Part 2 – PUP – Thursday Evening

Zoom | Online

Genesis Part 2: The Fall, The Flood, And The Nations // Adam and Eve, the serpent and an apple? Noah’s Ark and a worldwide flood? The Tower of Babel? Are these real or imagined? Stories or fact? What difference does it make anyway?
Genesis holds the keys to understanding the origin of sin and evil, the justice of God’s judgment, and the mercy of God’s plan for the redemption of mankind and hope for a lost and dying world. Truths found in chapters three through eleven of Genesis lays a solid foundation for the rest of the story.

Jeremiah Part 1 – PUP – Friday Morning

Middleton Baptist Church 111 Commercial Street, Middleton, NS, Canada

Precept Upon Precept Workbook (NASB)
Jeremiah chapters 1-24
9 Lessons

Jeremiah, a prophet appointed by God, spoke a hard message to the people of his day. It’s still God’s message today – a call to listen to His Word. Heeding Jeremiah’s message can bring healing and hope to all.

Event Series Acts Part 2 In and Out

Acts Part 2 – In & Out – Saturday Morning

Precept Ministries 61 Sherwood Dr, Brantford, ON, Canada

Acts Part 2 — Jesus’ Witness to The Gentiles // Jesus promised His disciples that they would take the gospel to the remotest parts of the earth. Observe Paul’s transformation from persecutor of the church to preacher. Join him on his journeys across the Roman world to proclaim the saving message of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles. Learn how to witness and how to live an authentic Christian life in all circumstances in the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn to be like Paul, to be bold in proclaiming the name of Jesus and to trust our sovereign Lord who enables us to endure persecution and suffering at the hands of those who hate Jesus…and therefore, hate us.

Event Series 2 Timothy

2 Timothy In & Out – Monday Mornings

Zoom | Online

In & Out Workbook
6 Lessons

Paul entrusted the Gospel to Timothy and others. Are you guarding the treasure of the Word that has been entrusted to you? By your life? By your words? Even in the midst of persecution?

Event Series 1,2,3 John

1,2,3 John PUP – Afternoon Class

Zoom | Online

1 John, 2 John, & 3 John — How To Know You Have Eternal Life//
How do you know if you’re really born again? What does it mean to be holy. . . to love God? Find answers to these and other questions as you take a look back at the fundamentals of Christian beliefs.

Event Series 1,2,3, John evening

1,2,3 John PUP – Evening Class

Zoom | Online

1 John, 2 John, & 3 John — How To Know You Have Eternal Life//
How do you know if you’re really born again? What does it mean to be holy. . . to love God? Find answers to these and other questions as you take a look back at the fundamentals of Christian beliefs.

Event Series Matthew Part 2

Matthew Part 2 PUP — Wednesday Mornings

King Bible Church 1555 King Rd., King City, ON, Canada

Matthew Part 2 — The Christ, The Son Of The Living God // When Jesus came, did people receive Him as the promised Messiah? What did they say about His miracles and His teaching? What caused them to call for His crucifixion? He says He’s coming back. If He came today, would people recognize Him? As you study Matthew Part 2, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the resurrection and its power in your life. Then take up the challenge to share the gospel with others.

Event Series Ephesians | PUP

Ephesians – PUP – Thursday Morning

Online ON, Canada

Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, targeted by grace, sons of God united in a single family, inheritors, holy, redeemed, forgiven, raised from the dead and seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenlies! How can you not study Ephesians!? Before Paul even hints at how believers should live, he lays a rock-solid foundation: who we are in Christ! If you think you’re just a cog in a machine, if you don’t know your true identity, then this study is for you.

Praise God for what He planned in eternity past and is waiting to reveal to you now…through the study of His Word. Learn who and what you are in Christ and you’ll want to walk God’s ways the rest of your life!

Hebrews Part 1 PUP – Wednesday Evening

Online (AB) , Canada

Precept Upon Precept
Hebrews chapters 1-4
11 Lessons

In these last days, God has spoken to us in His Son. What does He say about Jesus, angels, and our great salvation? Learn about Jesus’ superiority to all in this exciting study of Hebrews 1-4 that enlightens and enlivens Old Testament law and prophecy.

1 Thessalonians PUP – Thursday Afternoon

St Croix Christian Centre 444 Milltown Blvd, St Stephen, NB, Canada

Precept Upon Precept Workbook (NASB)
7 Lessons

Are you an example to others? Learn the principles of exemplary Christian living. Understand the spiritual warfare, sparked by the presence of the gospel in the world, and the rapture of the church—God’s ultimate rescue.

Exodus – In & Out – Wednesday Morning

Zoom | Online

11 Lessons

Watch Moses develop as a leader in this Exodus Precept Upon Precept Study. See God deliver His people by judging their enemies. Learn powerful truths about His ways using your Precept inductive skills to engage with God’s word. A remarkably practical study of deliverance, redemption, the Law, and the Tabernacle.

Event Series Genesis Part 4

Genesis Part 4 PUP — Wednesday Mornings

King Bible Church 1555 King Rd., King City, ON, Canada

Genesis Part 4: Wresting With God – A Study On Isaac, Jacob, And Esau // God renews His covenant promise with Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. Two struggling nations arise from Isaac’s sons, Jacob and Esau. The truths we learn about God can guide our faith, helping us see His purposes in our lives. Discover these truths for yourself in this Genesis Part 4 Precept Upon Precept, as you use inductive skills to engage with God’s Word.

Event Series Philippians

Philippians – PUP – Thursday Morning

Zoom | Online

Philippians — How To Have Joy // How do I live the Christian life joyfully regardless of people or circumstances? What is the purpose of suffering and the Christian perspective on death? Do I have “the mind of Christ”? Discover true, deep-down joy in your life that the world cannot take away!

Event Series Genesis Part 5

Genesis Part 5 PUP — Wednesday Mornings

King Bible Church 1555 King Rd., King City, ON, Canada

Genesis Part 5: Keeping Your Focus When Your Dreams Are Shattered – A Study On Joseph // Have you ever been falsely accused or suffered from injustice? This study of Joseph is your manual for handling these painful situations. Learn how to rise above difficulties by trusting God.

Event Series colossians

Colossians & Philemon – PUP – Thursday Morning

Zoom | Online

Colossians & Philemon — Gaining a true knowledge of Christ so no one deludes you! // What does it mean to be “complete in Christ”? Is Christ your “all in all” – does He meet all your needs? Don’t let anyone delude you with man-made philosophies or traditions that contradict the Word of God.