Ready For Great Adventures
Have you ever asked the question, “When is the right time?” That’s a pretty open-ended question that probably sparks more questions than answers, like – “Time for what?”
Jessica and I have been walking through this question for a while now. Our son Ethan turned twenty in January and is involved with a local program called Project Search. This program is for young adults with special needs, training them with skills needed for employment in the workplace. They attend classroom sessions and then are sent out to the retirement home (their home base), taking on tasks such as laundry, food prep, house cleaning and clerical work. Every few months, Jessica and I meet with the program coordinators to see how Ethan is progressing in his current internship placement, the skills he is picking up, and what type of job he will want to do when the program ends in June. It’s an excellent training program, and Ethan is growing each day.
Our last meeting with the coordinators was a few weeks ago, and we learned that as part of Ethan’s housekeeping role, he is required to stock the cleaning cart with supplies and then complete his task list before the end of the day.
At home, he doesn’t share much about his job, but we’ve started to notice some changes in his routine. Let me tell you about “Ethan’s Great Adventures.” He heads out on a walk in the community, and we have never been so thankful for phone apps that track locations. The first time he went out, we were in shock. He walked to McDonalds, picked up his dinner, and walked home. The second time, he ventured a little further and shopped at a nearby pharmacy. “What is happening here?” We couldn’t understand what was going on. This is a level of independence we are not used to! Our 20-year-old is practicing what he has learned in his autism programs for the last four years. We are so proud of him for taking on so many adult tasks.
When is the right time to hover, and when is the right time to let him do what he has been trained to do? Sometimes, we have no choice, and people just step out and get going. They want to take the theory they have learned and make it practical.
I’ve thought about this a fair amount over the last few months and compare it to the dad who has his son by his side, and the son asks, “What’s that tool for?” Dad explains the tool and how to use it but keeps his son from trying to use the tool. “One day, son, you’ll get a chance to use this tool, but not today.”
Have you ever thought about the students in your group that have the gift of leadership? They are sitting and watching you, learning from you and perhaps are waiting for the opportunity to put theory into practice. I am confident that this is happening more often than we realize. I am confident that students are sitting in our classes waiting, longing for the opportunity to lead a class.
Precept Canada has developed a new one-day Precept Upon Precept Leadership course that simplifies the qualification process and teaches new leaders how to lead a PUP course. I am excited about this workshop! Did you know that students in your class who desire to lead can start to build their skills before they are qualified to lead? New leaders can begin practicing in your class under your guidance.
Pray and seek the Lord. There may be a few people in your class waiting for the right time to try leading a class. Ask the Lord to show you these people and set them up for the adventure of a lifetime—leading a Precept Bible Study and engaging more people in God’s Word. This adventure has a lasting impact and eternal rewards!
Mark Sheldrake
Precept Canada Leader, Trainer, and National Director