The Blessings of Leading a Group

Back in the late 70’s, a neighbour asked my sister-in-law Doris and me to attend a women’s Bible conference in Calgary, Alberta. Kay Arthur was the guest speaker. She made a significant impact on us. We wanted more teaching like this, and, of course, she introduced us to Precept Bible studies.

Off to the book tables we went. We both thought that Revelation would be a great place to dive in. It was a deeper dive than we were prepared for, and we needed HELP! Eventually, we found a Precept Bible study group, and we loved it. Somehow in our busy lives, we made time to sit down and do our homework as God’s Word came alive.

After some time passed, the leader of the group I was part of said she couldn’t keep driving across the city each week to lead this group and wondered if anyone would consider taking over leading the group. No one was responding. Since I didn’t want our study group to end so, I agreed to lead the group. Even though I wasn’t a trained leader, I discovered God enabled me through His Holy Spirit to lead; it wasn’t about me. The power of His Spirit through the living Word of God was responsible for bringing about the results He wanted in the students’ lives. This was back when you just started leading and listening to the Betsy Bird leader tapes. Now that dear lady could talk fast! You had to learn how to listen quickly or hit rewind 1000 times. The good old days of cassette tapes!

After some time, a leader training workshop was planned in Calgary – Praise the Lord! That was a great help. I took all the training workshops I could after that. Whenever the Precept Canada training team came to our city, I was there! We had a great group of ladies attending at my home church, where I led over the next twenty years.

God used these Precept studies to strengthen my faith and reveal God’s character to me— they were the anchor that held me through some challenging personal struggles. My first husband didn’t like me going to church but didn’t ask or care what I did when he wasn’t home. These daytime classes were a blessing to the other ladies and me. It was always a blessing when class members shared how God was using what we were studying in their lives.

For example, I remember a young Muslim lady who had just become a believer joining our Bible study group. She had no way of getting there, so I picked her up and took her home. We developed a deep friendship that still lasts today! She is now a missionary in a closed and rather dangerous country and often says Precept studies are the foundation she still leans on.

God used Precept studies to strengthen another lady for a very difficult trial that changed the rest of her life here on earth. Her faith remained strong; she truly had the deep joy of the Lord in her heart.

The last story took place when I was leading a 40-Minute study – Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past. A downcast lady joined our group as the title caught her attention. She was a believer, yet it seemed that everything in her life was going wrong, and she had no hope or joy. God kept her coming week after week throughout the duration of this study. One week the lesson was on how God’s Word says we must forgive in order to be forgiven. She broke down as she couldn’t comprehend how she could forgive family members who had abused her for years. As a class, we prayed and went over what God’s Word said. She prayed and asked God to help her to forgive them. The following week when she walked into our church, she was beautiful and full of joy. I have never seen such a transformation! God had set her free from her painful past through this study of what He has to say about forgiveness.

I continue to lead and see God working in me, and in those He brings to the different Bible study groups. It is a great blessing and responsibility.

Wanda Bourgeois

Precept Leader from Enderby, British Columbia

Check out all of the upcoming online and in-person Workshops for you to establish yourself in His Word and make disciples. 



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