The Power of God’s Word

Although I have been leading Precept studies for about fifteen years, this year, probably more than ever, I have seen how effective the inductive study method is in helping others to observe, interpret and apply the truths that they see for themselves. Because we could no longer meet in person, I moved my studies online via Zoom, and in so doing, I found that this change provided an opportunity for others to join who otherwise might not be able to due to health or distance concerns.
Several new women joined our Friday morning Precept Upon Precept group to study Matthew Part 1 and 2. These women have consistently expressed how encouraged they are by personal their study and the weekly discussion. One lady who is a new Christian had me order her several of the Genesis PUP studies as she can’t get enough of studying the Bible. It is so amazing to see her arrive at conclusions from studying the text herself! Another woman from the group has started leading Precept studies in another church. A third woman, a believer of many years, has been amazed at what the Bible says when we actually slow down and spend extended time in a particular passage, reading it over and over.
Since we only had six weeks to finish the year, as a group, we chose Turning Your Heart Toward God — a “40-Minute” study on the Beatitudes. We were amazed at the truths in those simple words of Jesus, made all the richer by looking at cross-references we didn’t get to in the Matthew PUP. I have been so thankful for the biblical truths on humility and godly sorrow brought out through “Blessed are the poor in spirit” and “Blessed are those who mourn.” It has helped give me a biblical framework as I grapple with the atrocities our country committed in the past towards the indigenous people.
An evening study (Breaking Free from Fear) brought together several women from church backgrounds and a friend from another area of the province. Although these women were all longtime believers, they saw Scripture through new eyes and were challenged in new ways. As we finished, one lady said that although she joined to use the information to help some members of her extended family who are struggling with fear. She has herself been challenged and learned a lot in that area due to being in this group. Another student said she learned so much she wanted to do another 40-Minute study and has joined a daytime study group.
“doing these studies have changed the way I read the Bible. I ask questions and don’t just look at the meaning of the English word but now think to check the Greek/Hebrew meaning in context”
In early 2020 we launched a post-Alpha group in our church, specifically for a couple of people who wanted to learn more about the Bible and Christianity. We began by using a book on biblical foundations. Then in September of that year, we decided to take a break and work through Breaking Free from Fear as it seemed very pertinent to the group and our current pandemic situation. A few more people joined the group, and we then completed The Power of Knowing God and Forgiveness, Breaking the Power of the Past. Now we are in the middle of Living a Life of True Worship. The women love the 40-Minute format! Just this past week, one woman shared how moved she was during our discussion as she realized the significance of what we were learning. As a new believer, she had started to read the Bible for the first time and had just recently finished reading the instructions to Moses in Leviticus, regarding it as only a random, ancient and somewhat detailed list of instructions. She was blown away by the significance of the tabernacle and how it fits in with the whole story of the Bible, what Jesus has done for us and the implications regarding worship. She added how much she appreciates hearing the comments of others as we discuss the text and learn together. Another woman shared that “doing these studies have changed the way I read the Bible. I ask questions and don’t just look at the meaning of the English word but now think to check the Greek/Hebrew meaning in context”. And she has “only” been exposed to the “40-Minute” studies! Knowing more about God and what He says about her has given her boldness to share her faith with her family.
Despite the simplicity of what we do as we observe, reflect and discuss God’s Word, I continue to marvel at how God is working to bring insight and change — not only in myself as I study but in the lives of those who study with me.
Thanks be to God!
Check out all of the upcoming online Workshops for you to establish yourself in His Word and make disciples.