Event Series Genesis Pt 2

Genesis Part 2 – PUP – Thursday Evening

Zoom | Online

Genesis Part 2: The Fall, The Flood, And The Nations // Adam and Eve, the serpent and an apple? Noah’s Ark and a worldwide flood? The Tower of Babel? Are these real or imagined? Stories or fact? What difference does it make anyway?
Genesis holds the keys to understanding the origin of sin and evil, the justice of God’s judgment, and the mercy of God’s plan for the redemption of mankind and hope for a lost and dying world. Truths found in chapters three through eleven of Genesis lays a solid foundation for the rest of the story.

Event Series 2 Timothy

2 Timothy In & Out – Monday Mornings

Zoom | Online

In & Out Workbook
6 Lessons

Paul entrusted the Gospel to Timothy and others. Are you guarding the treasure of the Word that has been entrusted to you? By your life? By your words? Even in the midst of persecution?

Event Series 1,2,3 John

1,2,3 John PUP – Afternoon Class

Zoom | Online

1 John, 2 John, & 3 John — How To Know You Have Eternal Life//
How do you know if you’re really born again? What does it mean to be holy. . . to love God? Find answers to these and other questions as you take a look back at the fundamentals of Christian beliefs.

Event Series 1,2,3, John evening

1,2,3 John PUP – Evening Class

Zoom | Online

1 John, 2 John, & 3 John — How To Know You Have Eternal Life//
How do you know if you’re really born again? What does it mean to be holy. . . to love God? Find answers to these and other questions as you take a look back at the fundamentals of Christian beliefs.

Exodus – In & Out – Wednesday Morning

Zoom | Online

11 Lessons

Watch Moses develop as a leader in this Exodus Precept Upon Precept Study. See God deliver His people by judging their enemies. Learn powerful truths about His ways using your Precept inductive skills to engage with God’s word. A remarkably practical study of deliverance, redemption, the Law, and the Tabernacle.

Event Series Philippians

Philippians – PUP – Thursday Morning

Zoom | Online

Philippians — How To Have Joy // How do I live the Christian life joyfully regardless of people or circumstances? What is the purpose of suffering and the Christian perspective on death? Do I have “the mind of Christ”? Discover true, deep-down joy in your life that the world cannot take away!

Event Series colossians

Colossians & Philemon – PUP – Thursday Morning

Zoom | Online

Colossians & Philemon — Gaining a true knowledge of Christ so no one deludes you! // What does it mean to be “complete in Christ”? Is Christ your “all in all” – does He meet all your needs? Don’t let anyone delude you with man-made philosophies or traditions that contradict the Word of God.